Patrick and Justin, wearing matching sport coats, Neil, Cathy and her nutcracker crunk cup.
Lori in the center with her mom on the right and Beverly on the left. It looks like mom just did a jello shooter!!
Here's the Britt Family, Neil, Stephanie, Rondi and grizzly Sean. Notice the little faces in the background (Cathy and Patrick).
Neil and Pete wearing their matching Santa beards.
Tim and myself, he's looking much fancier than I, with his gold holiday necklace.
Ron, Matt and Kelley, telling tall tales.
Carl with Brian, Betty and Teresa.
Brandie and Lori - having fun.
The bar was a very popular place.
There's Joni on the couch, wearing her flashing necklace.

Carol, Nancy and Yvonne all in their Christmas sweaters.

Nooooo - Carl with a bottle of Jack Daniels????

Pete and Carl.
Hi guys!
Cathy, Justin and Tim wearing clothes right from the '80's.
Teresa was styling in her "jeggings" and boots.
Me and Teresa.
Next stop (and last stop) - the Britt house. As we entered the door, Neil took our pictures in front of the custom wall. Brian, Nancy, Yvonne, Carol and Pete. At this house we had dinner and dessert and more holiday cheer. Everyone brought sweets, chile and salad, and our hosts made roast beef and potatoes and more. The house was decorated festively.
Brian and Betty.


Here's Neil, the photographer. Tonight he gave us our pictures from last year. Such a great idea.

The bowling team getting organized for their photo.

Brian and Pete.

Awww, aren't we cute?? A minute just after that shot I was firing off some f-bombs, but no big deal. I may have scared a couple of the men. It was the Moonshine, provided by Pete.

The bowling team getting organized for their photo.

Brian and Pete.

Awww, aren't we cute?? A minute just after that shot I was firing off some f-bombs, but no big deal. I may have scared a couple of the men. It was the Moonshine, provided by Pete.

I had a huge time, did not follow my planned alcohol restriction, had a jello shooter to start off and ended the night with lemon Moonshine. It took 'til noon on Sunday for the drunk to wear off. But, I sure had fun. Thank you to our hosts and to all of my good friends, it's an honor to party with you.
Merry Christmas,
Looks so fun! I love the Christmas wall. Brandon is jealous, he wants to try moonshine
Definitely tons of fun, food and frolic had by all! Thanks for yet another fun Crawl!
What an absolutely spectacular group of friends making the tradition nothing short of amazing. Hmmm, I think I'm still inebri, inimbria, imbrin, ahh sh*t -- Drunk!
Thanks KAYFO for the blog and pix
One of the best so far. We had great fun. Good friends and good food.
Thanks to Pete for the Moonshine, sorry I was such a hog of the fruit jar.
Yvonne & Ron
Yes, I agree a great time had by all. Thanx Joni and Brandy, Neil and Rondi for your hospitality.
I know Tim and I had a great time. I was a bit slow the next morning, but had to get up and do it all over again at another xrmas party,..... hair of the dog!!!
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