I hitched a ride with Pete because we only wanted to go up for the day on Friday and return after the honoree presentations that evening. His buddy, Tom Prufer, was being inducted and I wanted to take pictures of Shannon's portraits, and also see everyone get inducted. It's always such a nice tribute to people who have made their mark in all aspects of racing.
We arrived at Famoso Raceway at noon. I joined up with Carl and Kuhl and the gang. (not Kool and the Gang "It's a Celebration..") You can click on the pictures to see larger, more detail, up-close, you know the drill. Then click again and you can see really close.

It was friggen' hot and humid.

The "Fast Guys" planning their next move.

Each group took turns firing up the dragsters.

Roy, dad, made a few of his old SPE throttle pedals and gave one to the Wiebe guys, Wayne and Gary. They were thrilled and showed me how it looks back in the car. Really NICE guys.

Greg was checking up on me to make sure I hadn't opened up a booth, selling my wares, without going through the proper channels and paying, like last year. Ha! Donna looks like she's having fun, trying to stay cool.
Art Chrisman chatting with his buddies.

Great banner!

I walked the length of the drag strip, watched a few cars run, while leaning on the fence at the end. Took only a few photos this time. This is a restoration of Burt Munro's Indian Motorcycle that ran at Bonneville.

I visited dad's tree, dedicated by Pat and Mike. First I had to get a wet paper towel from the guy selling beer, to wipe off the bird crap that was all over it.

It has grown to be a lovely tree, providing lots of shade. Notice it branched into two, one from Mike and one from Pat.
I like the look of this pick-up.

I suppose it's almost Halloween and these guys are ready with their haunted panel truck.

Mike found the reason that one of the cars wouldn't fire up. This little plug was stuck in the fuel pump. They'll never live it down.
Just before we left the track to go to the Double Tree Hotel, we talked Eddie into taking an helicopter ride. He has never flown on anything, so this is it.

Eddie's helicopter ride video. I made up a short video for him to remember his first trip up.
The traffic getting off of the freeway to the hotel was horrible. Turns out some bonehead crashed into the Carl's Jr. light post and up into the parking lot.
Here are the photos of the Honoree Portraits, all drawn by Shannon. This is Bill Bagshaw.

Don Long the chassis builder.

Tom Prufer.

Steinegger and Eschenbaugh. Al Eschenbaugh still races and just became a Bonneville 200 MPH Club member last year. Larry Steinegger passed away in 2006 (I believe) and his son was there to receive the honor for him.

This is Tom Hanna, famous car builder and current Bonneville race car builder.

Al "Mousie" Marcellus. He sure had a lot to say up there, some stuff pretty juicy.
Shannon's portraits always amaze me, they are so perfect!
Thanks mom for taking pictures of my drawings they look really good framed! Looks like a fun day!
Haven't I told you I don't like to have my picture taken?
Thanks to this post and others Greg and I got to see alot of stuff we missed.
Glad you had a good time.. And as always great work Miss Shannon
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