The tour started at 11:00 am in front of Union Station. So we decided to catch the first train into LA from San Bernardino, which picked us up in Pomona at 7:48. We arrived at 8:30 and walked across the street to Philippes for breakfast. Two pieces of french toast, 2 eggs, 2 bacon, orange juice and coffee, all for $6.50. What a deal!
To start off on the train, the Sheriff handcuffed a dude in the back. We caught it on video. So exciting.

After breakfast we walked around Olvera Street a bit while we waited for the tour. I bought a fan to keep the sun out of my eyes. Carl held it for me.

California Palm Trees.

Geezers on tour.
This is Charles Phoenix in his bright yellow Shriner's coat with the name "Glen" embroidered on the pocket, one that he found as a treasure in a thrift store. He wore his Mickey Mouse ears all day and directed us with his megaphone.
To start off we toured Union Station, a must for all Californians. Beautiful tiled floors and carved ceilings, a mixture of early Mission and Art Deco style.
We were treated to the inside of the old Fred Harvey's restaurant which has been closed for decades. It has all of the original art deco decor, bar, kitchen and powder room.
The guard opened the doors for us on the 120 second tour.
Inside the bar. I wish they would open a restaurant here. It would be a great place to take the train into town and have a few drinks and dinner.
The Bar.

The kitchen.

We caught the Metro Red Line and all 40 of us got off at the first exit - Chinatown. Charles had a big yellow schoolbus waiting for us to take us to Chinatown.
As we exited the bus we were all give a few pennys to throw into the wishing well.
Hop Louie's restaurant and bar.
Our guide, Charles Phoenix.
The very first lawyer to practice in Los Angeles had his office in Chinatown. The office has been preserved/restored in the exact manner and decor as was. We walked through and admired.
The point of this tour is to find OLD California/Los Angeles buildings; nostalgia.

We happened to stumble upon a Chinese festival.
Chinese dragon video.
This is the Los Angeles river.
Philippe, where we had breakfast.
After Chinatown, the bus took us back to Olvera Street (Carl and I had already been there, but that's OK.) We were all treated to a Taquito, the best.
The Pio Pico house, the first hotel in Los Angeles.

Olvera Street is full of Mexican vendors selling Mexican wares. Very colorful.

Our big yellow school bus.

Wrestling masks.
Mexico = Pinata!!
A view of Union Station across the street.

Our big yellow school bus.
After our taquito, and after our big breakfast, we headed to Clifton's Cafeteria.
I had 3 different salads and some pasta and bread pudding.
Clifton's is a strange and wonderful place.
We got back on the bus and drove to a central market inside some buildings. Who knew all this existed, especially on a Sunday.
Some guys yelled at me and told me I could NOT take a picture of the building. You know what I told them. Oh yes I did, then I snapped this picture.
Some guys yelled at me and told me I could NOT take a picture of the building. You know what I told them. Oh yes I did, then I snapped this picture.
This is inside the Bradbury building 1893 which is the oldest commercial building remaining in the central city.
Carl in front of the Victorian cage elevator.

Then we walked across the street to the Angels Flight Railway, the shortest railway in the world. It's not functional now, but dates back to 1901 when it was used to ferry prominent citizens up and down the 350 foot slope between Hill and Olive streets. So we walked up 7 flights of stairs up the 350 foot slope. I thought that I might have the "Big One"; not that big one, the heart attack. But I made it, along with 40 other tourists, all panting and sweating.

We got back on the bus and went to Carroll Ave. to see the largest section of Victorian Homes in Los Angeles.
This was our reward at the top, a beautiful scene of fountains and water inbetween some really tall buildings.
Look! a building inside a building.
From there we walked to the Disney Concert Hall. On the way we saw a TV commercial for Cadillac being filmed.
Not sure what this is supposed to be, but it was a mess of airplane pieces.
This is the Disney Concert Hall. When it was originally built it was polished stainless steel. Blindingly brilliant idea (boneheads) it ended up blinding the neighbors and drivers. So they had to put a brush finish on the entire building. This is the home of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra.
Gustavo Dudhamel is the new conductor.
The wall to the left has not been brushed so you can see how it all originally looked.
Me again. Right about now.... the french toast, eggs, bacon, taquitos, pasta, carrot salad, broccoli salad, cole slaw, and pasta and bread pudding decided it all wanted to come out of my body. I had to run a whole block to find a toilet. Holy shit is all I have to say!!!
I finally caught up with the herd. Mr. Phoenix was taking us to the smallest National Park in the country.

This would be "Tomorrowland" with a spaceship landing pad fountain.

We got back on the bus and went to Carroll Ave. to see the largest section of Victorian Homes in Los Angeles.

Some are in the process of being restored.
He says that no body lives here, it's used for movies.
Back onto the bus and headed to the Bob Baker Marionette Theater where we were treated to a wonderful show. I remember Bob Baker shows from when I was a kid.
After the mini Marionette show we were treated to cake and ice cream.
After the mini Marionette show we were treated to cake and ice cream.
Then back on the bus and back to Union Station where we started. We were all given a small gift bag as we de-bussed. Inside was a wonderful little Marionette. Thank you Bob Baker and Thank you Charles Phoenix for a terrific and memorable day.
Kathy (and Carl, too.)
1 comment:
that looks like soo much fun. I love that the guy wore his getup the whole time. Those Victorian houses are so beautiful, like real life doll houses.
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