There was a memorial today for Jim Deist at the NHRA Museum, so I wore yellow in honor of Jim. His logo is bright yellow. Jim passed away on March 9th. He was one of the most unique characters who attended Bonneville. He always wore bib overalls, it didn't matter how fancy the event, he wore those overalls, and he had a huge cigar (half chewed) hanging on his lip. I got to know Jim over these past few years at Bonneville and being involved with the 200 MPH Club and he was always good for a laugh. He would park his rig right next to us at the tech inspection area, arriving late, nearly noon. People would come up to me all morning asking "Where's Deist?" He would eventually show up. They finally moved him about 5 years ago, across from us. He was usually with his buddies, Bob Leggio and Louie Senter and they were forever laughing and joking. He will be missed, by me for sure.

Here I am by my lemon tree. It's time to pick soon, if the bees would scram. I kind of look like a huge bee, maybe I scared them away.

On Friday, it's another memorial for Leah's husband, Chuck. Damn - too many memorials lately.
Take good care of yourselves.
1 comment:
I didn't know who you were talking about until you mentioned the overalls and cigar, now I totally remember seeing him around.
What are you gonna make with all those lemons? pie...lemon pepper chicken, there is always lemonade, thats what I did with the ones your brought last time.
You look cute in yellow =)
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