It was a lovely warm day, so we sat outside. Carl and Roy.
Grandma Carol and baby Peter
The Train Trip to Union Station was the next event this busy weekend. On Saturday morning we met up at the Pomona North Metrolink train depot and caught the 10:28 am train. Since we did a last minute plan for this trip, there were only 6 of us. Tim and Cathy, Ty and Kim and me and Carl. You can click on the pictures to view them up close, for the full effect (then click back arrow to go back to the blog site.)
Union Station was decorated for Christmas. We all posed by the tree. I especially like the snowflake over my head, like a tierra.

Kim, Ty, Carl, Me, Cathy and Tim.

After arriving at Union Station, we walked across the street to Olvera Street, and immediately ate taquitos. Our destination was Phillipe's for french dip beef sandwiches, but since we just pigged out on taquitos we decided to walk up to China Town and mess around there for a while so our stomachs could make some room for the next meal. First stop in China Town was the Wonder Bakery, where they make the best cake and almond cookies. We all shared a large cookie and piece of cake, to clean our pallets from the taquitos.
China Town is famous for shops that sell crap that no-body needs. Good thing is it is cheap, crappy-crap that usually breaks and costs next to nothing, so it's easy to dispose of after you've played with it for a bit. My big purchase was my new Gold-Plastic Tierra and a fake cigar that really smokes (grey powder).

This is a picture of me with the China Town background - the Queen Tourist.
When you buy a train ticket, the ticket is good all day to ride busses, the underground Red Line and all the other lines. So to make good use of our money spent, we caught a city bus to go two blocks back to Phillipe's to have lunch. The line was extremely long, as usual, but we did get our sandwiches and boy were they good. The train trip just to go there is worth it.

This is the short story of Willy the Wee Wee. Ty and Kim have friends that had a Wee Wee Indian (you pull his pants down and he pees). The Indian went all over the world, people would take him and share him and finally someone lost him. In China Town, Kim found his replacement, a peeing Willy doll. And now his life of traveling begins at Olvera Street. He will have his picture taken all over the world. He has his own website, but I don't know what it is right now.
Carl and I, on our way home, under full control.
The troublemakers.
Here's a little video clip of our train ride.
More video on the train
We had fun and usually take a train ride the day after Thanksgiving, so any takers, raise your hand for next year.
I want a fake cigar now haha. You totally sabotaged us with all the freakin desserts you sent home with us! Ive lived off cookies for the last day and a half =)
That's OK, you're too skinny! Eat some more! Next time we go to Union Station, you guys can go with us. We can plan to go at the same time and you can leave from your neighborhood and meet us there. But - half the fun is all of us crazies on the train.
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