going backwards....
We ended up the day at Lacey and Brandon's house for a BBQ to celebrate Mother's Day and get our friends, Mel, Craig, Brianna, Jack and Ruby to meet my family. The guys were in the backyard. To the left is Keith (Amanda's husband), Craig (NZ), Carl (my hubby) and Carl (my bro).

Us girls inside, laughing, drinking Margaritas and having fun. Amanda, Lacey, Mel, Me, Kristen and Kathleen.

Earlier in the day, the Kiwi family and Carl and I took the Metrolink from Fullerton into Union Station Los Angeles. Then took the Red Line to Hollywood and finally to the Frolic Room, so Mel could enjoy a fast beer with the boys. The kids and I hung out at the Pantages Theater next door, just in the entry way.

Before that, we strolled Hollywood Blvd. Mel Jack and Brianna in front of the Grauman's Chinese Theater. Us girls and Jack did some souviner shopping while Carl and Craig got a head start to the Frolic Room.

Brianna and Jack with Shrek.

Mel with Nicolas Cage.

Jack and Brianna in front of the Chinese Theater, standing on top of some movie star's hand and feet prints.

Marilyn and Brianna.

This is the red line subway to Hollywood from Union Station.

Jack and his Mexican Wrestling mask.

This is "Trashcan Jack", famous Mexican Wrestler.

We started out the day at Olvera Street after taking the train from Fullerton to Union Station. We shopped a bit, then each got a taquito, then walked to Philipe's for a french dip sandwich.

Starting off the day, Mother's Day, on the Metrolink to LA.
Monday, Mel, Craig and family and Amanda, Keith and Ryder spent the day at Disneyland.
On Tuesday, we all met up at Amanda's apartment, then went to the Huntington Beach street fair. Lacey and family and Kristen met us there.

We walked to the end of the pier and had dinner at Ruby's diner. The balloon guy made wearable balloons for the girls and swords for the boys. (kids only)

Craig, Mel, Brianna, Jack and Ruby stayed in Anaheim for the week and flew back to New Zealand on Friday (13th). They were in the USA for 6 weeks and put over 6000 miles on their motorhome, seeing the country.

Now, fastforward to this weekend. Again, the pictures will be in the bass-ackwards order, but it really doesn't matter. Carl and I drove up to central California to visit some friends and party.
Carl thinks that this will be his Corvette some day. Ha.

Nice Corvette collection.

The backyard in the evening with his collection of 50's cars.

Looking in the shop/play area, a front engine dragster.

A rare 1954 Corvette.

Wild Boar on the Piano

Every mans dream shop, in his backyard.

His own machine shop.

Earlier in the day, we enjoyed a cocktail by the pool.

This is the TV Room, off of the pool, behind the main house.

In same room are quite a few ribbons for his prize horses.

Looking across the pool to the outdoor kitchen, waterfall and hot tub to the left.

Inside the house, behind the bar is the room where collectible cars and boats are displayed.
This bear was from Montana originally.
So was this Bison.