These first 6 were taken by Pete C. Here is Art in his "Engine Laboratory".

Carl O. mastering the Margarita.

Jim Travis and Roy.

Phill Whetstone, Dave Gorges and Terry Hegman.

Roy Jr's West Coast Street Rods '32 Sedan.

Like a big kid on the bumper cars at the carnival.

Gary and Wayne (car owners) with Roy and Donnie.

Bobby and Dawna gave him a really nice plaque commemorating Roy's 75th.

Lynne brought the delicious cakes. We ate almost all of it.

Taco Chihuahua, the best Mexican catering!

Brother, Carl (Deuce Frame Company), chowing down on some good Mexican food.

Mix Master, CVO.

Me and Dawna, with Steve Gibbs. Bo, you caught me with my mouth full, which is most of the time.

We couldn't have ordered better weather.

It looks like Jerry Magnuson and Hardy Allen are talking some serious BS.

GreatGrandKid, Ryder's favorite toy at the shop.

Party later at Roy's, he got some killer Tequila as a gift.

Greg Peterson signing the birthday board.

Sam and Kathy Davis. (they made the birthday board.)

First car is Phill Whetstone's.

Hardy and ?

Roy, Jr. and Roy, Sr.

Carl Olson behind the mask.

A happy group after a loud running of the Wiebe car. See the video at the end of the blog.
The next photographs are courtesy of Bo Bertilsson, the famous Swedish photographer. =)
Carol and Pete just arriving.
Carol and Pete just arriving.

Jim Travis and Roy.

Phill Whetstone, Dave Gorges and Terry Hegman.

Roy Jr's West Coast Street Rods '32 Sedan.

Like a big kid on the bumper cars at the carnival.

Gary and Wayne (car owners) with Roy and Donnie.

Bobby and Dawna gave him a really nice plaque commemorating Roy's 75th.

Lynne brought the delicious cakes. We ate almost all of it.

Taco Chihuahua, the best Mexican catering!

Brother, Carl (Deuce Frame Company), chowing down on some good Mexican food.

Mix Master, CVO.

Me and Dawna, with Steve Gibbs. Bo, you caught me with my mouth full, which is most of the time.

We couldn't have ordered better weather.

It looks like Jerry Magnuson and Hardy Allen are talking some serious BS.

GreatGrandKid, Ryder's favorite toy at the shop.

Party later at Roy's, he got some killer Tequila as a gift.

Greg Peterson signing the birthday board.

Sam and Kathy Davis. (they made the birthday board.)

First car is Phill Whetstone's.

Hardy and ?

Roy, Jr. and Roy, Sr.
Dorothy Chrisman in the pink sweater, the Kugel's to her right, then Dan Warner and Kenny Hoover. Across from Dorothy is Bob Anderson, one of the original "Outrider's" of Huntington Beach.
Kristen (Carl Fjastad's daughter) and Jarmo, in coordinating fashion.
Lighting it up!
Carl Olson behind the mask.
A happy group after a loud running of the Wiebe car. See the video at the end of the blog.

Carol is not leaving without her cake.