The week started on Saturday, July 11th when we went to Full-Bore to fire-up the racecar. (a different blog story From there we headed to Olvera Street on the Metrolink from Pomona.
On Sunday, my family was over for a BBQ and for entertainment, the hills caught fire, so the kids watched the helicopters take water from the reservoir behind our house to drop on the fire. Oh ya, before the party, Shannon and Grant drove to LAX to pick up Anna who was on her way home from New Zealand.
Monday we took Anna and Grant to see Laguna Beach, Amanda met up with us there. Then we went to Balboa Island, took the ferry across to the peninsula and had a drink at a bar on the water.
Tuesday we got on the Metrolink, again, and went to Olvera Street so Anna could see Los Angeles and so that Grant could buy his Sombrero and Serape.
Wednesday was "guy bonding" day. Carl took Grant on a 1/2 day fishing boat out of Long Beach. They left at 3:30 am. Didn't catch much fish, but got to know each other better. We took Anna to March AFB to drop her off with her cousin, they were headed to San Diego. Shannon and I then went to Long Beach to meet the guys and we had dinner at Famous Dave's BBQ.
Thursday morning we packed it up for Pismo Beach. Stopped in Santa Barbara so that I could lose my expensive tri-focal prescription glasses, oh and have lunch. We arrived in Pismo in time to unpack and get to Jocko's for the best flame grilled beef in the west. After dinner we went to the beach, drove on the sand, and made a bon-fire, drank beer and made s'mores without the chocolate.
Friday, we drove home after touring around Pismo beach. Grant ate a scorpion, I bought some Salt Water Taffey. We stopped at Santa Barbara so I could look for my glasses, but they were no-where to be found. I'm sure it was my punishment for laughing at the Asian lady trying to manuver the little raft with the outboard motor, who ended up on the rocks in the harbor. We did visit the Santa Barbara Mission, then found the best Italian restaurant, Petrini's, way off the tourist track.
The week isn't over yet - we were up early on Saturday morning, then took the Metrolink (for the 3rd time in one week) back to Union Station in LA. We met up with Lacey, Brandon and Dean in the station. Then we all took the Red Line subway to Universal Studios City Walk. We ate a nice lunch, walked around the place in 100 degree weather, watched some skydivers in a tube, and then headed back to the subway to meet up with Amanda and Keith back at Union Station. They were waiting for us, we were an hour late. So we all walked over to Olvera Street, directly to the Mexican restaurant, the Fishbowl Margaritas (1 per person) and had appetizers for dinner. Keith and Amanda did some shopping, so did Brandon and Lacey.
Sunday was a day of rest and recuperation.
7-18-09 Universal City Walk. Water squirts up from the ground. Brandon and Dean.

Kelly, Shannon, Grant, Lacey, Brandon, Me and Dean in the stroller, at City Walk.

Riding the Red Line back to Olvera Street.

Shannon and Grant win for drinking the most fishbowls.

Kelly was doing pretty good on her own.

Brandon and Lacey having a fun time.

Keith and Amanda, What-up! with dat? Her new gum-wrapper handbag.
7-16 & 17
Here are pictures from Pismo and Santa Barbara.
Jocko's for dinner.
Shannon and Grant shared a meal. The steaks are the size of a roast.
On the beach with our bon-fire.
It was cold and windy.
Shannon was hiding her beer bottle.
On the Pismo Beach pier, Friday.
Candy Store in Pismo Beach. Specialties- crickets, worms and scorpions.
Carl (as Father Junipero Serra)
Shannon - pretending she's a statue.

Me - with the Santa Barbara Mission behind me. I didn't crack the wall, it was already broken.

7-15 Wednesday. The guys just got off the fishing boat.

We ate Frozen bananas and ice-cream.

Brandon and Lacey. The shirt can also be worn as a dress.
Carl and the boys jumped in the car and got some good pictures before they were kicked out of the area.

The fire was 100% contained by the time we went to bed, but it sure provided some action on Oriole Avenue.
Saturday - July 11th - Our trip to Olvera Street on the Metrolink with the Peron's.
7-14 Tuesday in Union Station, showing Anna LA.
Olvera Street and some serious shoppers.
Shannon purchased a "Senorita Dress" and did a dance for us in the bar.
On the ferry to Balboa.

We ate Frozen bananas and ice-cream.
Shannon, Ryder and Dean in the background.
We tried to get some decent photos of Carl's Deuce Frame Company t-shirts for his website, but that turned into quite a challenge AKA. Grant!!
He really does not like having his picture taken.

Brandon and Lacey. The shirt can also be worn as a dress.
Right around 4:30 a fire started just above our house in the hills. Good thing we live right on the water source.
Carl and the boys jumped in the car and got some good pictures before they were kicked out of the area.
The fire was 100% contained by the time we went to bed, but it sure provided some action on Oriole Avenue.
Saturday - July 11th - Our trip to Olvera Street on the Metrolink with the Peron's.
We caught the Red Line to Hollywood and Highland and visited Graumann's Chinese Theater and saw Michael Jackson's Star, with all of the other crazies.

Then we walked to Hollywood and Vine (see the neon sign on the corner)
Cathy and Tim.
Tim knew of this old bar, the oldest in Hollywood, called the Frolic Room. Just a simple bar with really good drinks. The old-time actors used to hang out here.
Very plain, but lots of fun and good sounding jukebox.
The wall mural.
The happy couple.
Finally, the Red Line depot in Hollywood, pretty fancy.