Miss Rondi digging in the cooler.

Host, Neil, with sis-in-law Joni. We couldn't have asked for better weather, perfect for staying outdoors.

Me with Tim and Cathy, wearing their Christmas thrift-store best.
Carol and sis, Nancy, both looking lovely.
Mr. Carl and Joni in heavy conversation.
Carl placed himself directly in front of the platter of Neil's bbq wings and drummets. Sean with Cathy and Tim.
Next stop - Our house - for a baked potato bar and salads. Everyone brought food for the stops, so it was a pot luck, and delicious. Yvonne and Ron below.
Still nice outside even after the sun went down.
Me and Carol.
Carl looks like he's singing a Christmas carol.
Neil and Kelly. Glad you came, kids.

That's it for the crawl, I need to get more pictures from the others.
Now for Christmas morning. Just Carl and I and Lili. Such a quiet Christmas. I make the traditional waffle breakfast.
I'm afraid that we are starting to look like grandparents. What happened??
Since she was a puppy, Lili has loved Christmas morning and she helps to open each gift. She's much slower about it now, but remembers what to do when she sees someone unwrapping a gift.
Carl and I got ourselves one gift and surprised each other with what we bought. I'm taking mine back.
Me, Mike, John, Carl and Verdee. The Olson's visited with us for a couple of hours, then joined Verdee's family for Christmas dinner. Thanks for coming!
Grandma Lisa with Ryder.
Ryder got a new bike and he sure rides well for 2-1/2 years old.
Roy and Lisa and Ryder watching Madagascar.
That's it. Christmas is over. Time to put away all of the decorations. It was great as always to spend fun times with good friends and family over the holidays. At least we make a point to get together, if only once a year. Naaaa, we party all the time.